About us

About us

The expectations for our students and ourselves know no bounds and we strive for excellence in all that we do.

We lay the foundations for every child to succeed. Dadi-Prestige International Academy offers a curriculum which engages and inspires, a diverse range of educational visits and experiences, outstanding care and high expectations, all delivered within a happy, safe and supportive environment.

To provide children from various backgrounds with prestigious and solid educational foundation that prepare them for their life-time learning journey, international exposures, future career or business success in the ever-changing global environment, and development to their fullest potential as unique and proud individuals.

Our Vision

An international nurturing culture for the future

How DPIA started

Dadi China is a public listed education group in mainland China with more than 600 campuses worldwide, and over 150 thousand students, distributed in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and Cambodia.

Dadi-Prestige International Academy, in hand with Dadi China, is established in 2018, and has now grown into a competitive school providing outstanding trilingual curricula and abundant enrichment programs right in the heart of the city Phnom Penh.

School Culture

Our PRESTIGE philosophy aims to create an environment where the three pilars of the staff is given to the best in three ‘P’s

  • Professional by providing professional education service
  • Passionate by work wholeheartedly
  • Proud by being proud of our team, and being proud of being our student

School Value

  • P… Persistence
  • R… Respect
  • E… Enthusiasm
  • S… Self-esteem
  • T… Teamwork
  •  I… Inspiration
  • G… Growth
  • E… Excellence