

At DPIA, we believe education is a shared adventure, and parents are not just spectators, but vital partners in their children’s learning journey. We value your participation and involvement in our school because it creates a powerful synergy that amplifies the impact of our dedicated teachers and empowers your child to reach their full potential. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the school activities.

See the information below in the upcoming school activities and policies

Pick-up and Drop-off procedures

Making school days run smoothly starts right at the gate! Here’s a quick guide to ensure safe and efficient pickups and drop-offs.

Remember, a smooth exit means a happy start to the day! Let’s work together to minimize congestion by making drop-off and pick-up quick and safe. Please arrive at the gate in your chosen transportation and aim to complete the process within 10 minutes.

Timely arrivals and departures: Students must arrive at 8:00 AM and leave at 11:50 PM if part time or 3:30 PM if full time.

Class Management

Stay connected to your child’s learning journey! At DPIA, we use ClassDojo, a safe and easy app, to keep you informed. You’ll receive real-time updates on your child’s progress, positive behaviors, and areas for growth – allowing us to work together to build their success!

Telegram Parent Chat

Our school keeps communication via Telegram mainly. WeChat and WhatsApp are alternative platforms. Contact our Parent Coordinator that you are part of these groups to receive updates on the activities, homework and other school notices.

Home by Dadi Prestige International Academy

Upcoming Activities

September 24, 2024